Scalp Micropigmented Styles for Different Facial Shapes

Men all over the world have different face shapes and jaw lines that give their personality the structure and framework, they need. Thus, their fashion is also very much based on how it will match their facial structure and create a look of symmetry.

The aspect of men's fashion that seems most concerned with this phenomenon is facial hair and hairstyles. However, the evil truth of balding often leaves many people looking unattractive due to lack of a framework!

But all of this can be prevented with the right facial hair pattern and hair tattoo micropigmentation process which helps people get the right look for their faces!
Here's a look at some of the expert suggestions for different men's facial shapes.

Square Face and Round Front MCP

Square jawlines have been revered as a standard for masculinity and physical appearance of men over the years. Its sharp features represent an imposing and manly appeal that is appreciated by most in the fashion industry.

For bald men with square faced jawline, the rounded front line of their hair loss MCP gives them a symmetrical balance which accentuates their look even further.

If you want a classic example of this, checkout Henry Cavill in a buzz cut. It's the closest you can lay your hands on, nearing perfection. 

Round Face with Sharp V MCP

Balding is especially painful for round faced men because it makes their faces look like a ball. The framework of the hair that balances the roundness is gone and they are left in a post-apocalyptic wasteland of fashion.

However, nothing is permanent and with a sharp geometrical MCP shape for their balding, things could become far better.

Zac Efron is a good example of a round faced celeb sporting a close to buzz haircut in style with clean geometric lines for optimum facial appeal.

Other than these two, there are other facial shapes too; but, they are in general a variation of geometric or round shapes and can go for similar styles. Plus, MCP is a cost effective method of tackling hair loss and one could get the best scalp micropigmentation online easily!

Plus, you don't have to worry about them fading for at least the next 3 to 6 years. Looking stylish after balding could not get any easier!


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